I'm answering author questions on goodreads. The question is how did I get my idea for my most recent book: Here is part of the answer:
My dear friend Carie M. said "Penny you need to write a book. I am reading one right now and what you are doing is just as good or better. I would buy it." Well for her and all of the others who wanted to know the story that led to my weight loss and how I did it, I sat down and put words to paper. The book is written, I listened the lawyers, the publishers, and now it is out on the shelves. I just hope people love reading it! I sure did love writing it! Here is the link if you would like to read the answers: https://www.goodreads.com/aut…/13439121.Penny_Winn/questions Here is a little about the book: Using this guide will ease you into your best self in every way once and for all. You will find ways to let go of the negative beliefs that are holding you back, allowing you significant weight loss once and for all. The three-week plan will help guide you to an optimally healthy weight, showing you easy meal plans and easy recipes to follow.
Penny WinnWelcome to my Blog! I’m Penny Winn. I hope that you can take some time to view my blog and get to know a little about me; what I do with Wedding Photography and Watercolor Painting. Please grab some coffee (or a tea , in my case) and enjoy viewing my latest work, a little about life in Madrid, New Mexico, my lavender farm, my dogs and wonderful husband Lyric, and getting a little peek into our life! I’m thrilled you stopped by! Archives
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